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Home | Park Lane Clinic

About Park Lane Clinic

Park Lane Clinic is a calm and relaxing place located in the heart of Plymouth, just a short walk from the city centre. A variety of therapies are available with our experienced and professional staff. Our aim is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed while you take time out for yourself.



Hair Removal

Clippering, waxing, shaving and Electrolysis

Advanced Electrolysis

Skin Tags, Red Blood Spots, Spider Naevus, Milia (white spots) and Broken Red Capiliaries


Male Intimate Waxing

Arrive like a gooseberry, leave like a grape

Unwanted body hair? You’ve found the right place!

Everywhere from your eyebrows and ears to the top of your toes can be waxed (except your beard – that’s too dense)

Book an appointment

Interested in one of our treatments? Use our online booking system to make an appointment today!